Consent for Dental Care

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While there are risks associated with general anesthesia, be assured that Mt. McKinley Animal Hospital will take every precaution to minimize risk by performing the following, as needed:

  • Physical exam prior to anesthesia
  • Multi-parameter monitoring (blood pressure, EKG, heart/respiratory/temperature)
  • Intravenous catheter and fluid therapy
  • Preoperative and postoperative pain control management
  • Endotracheal intubation and oxygen therapy
  • Injectable and inhalant anesthetics based on your pet’s age and specific medical needs.

I, the undersigned, certify that I am the owner/agent of the animal described above. I hereby authorize Mt. McKinley
Animal Hospital to perform such diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical procedures as described above. The nature of such
services has been described to me to my satisfaction. I realize that there are risks involved with any anesthetic or
surgical procedure and that no guarantee or warranty can be made regarding the results or cure. I also authorize the
hospital staff, in an emergency situation, to follow through with such procedures as are necessary for the well-being of
my pet on a continuing basis until further communication with me. I understand that veterinary care during night time
hours is provided at the discretion of the attending veterinarian. Continuous presence of personnel may not be provided
during these hours. I have been given an estimate and understand that it is an approximation of planned procedures, and
the final invoice may be more or less than this amount. I understand that I assume financial responsibility for all services

Authorization of Additional Services

Please check next to any additional services you wish to have added to your pet’s procedure today.

Pre-Anesthetic Blood Screening: Preanesthetic blood screening is important in reducing the risk of
anesthesia. It is recommended for every patient prior to surgery to ensure that their liver and kidneys can
adequately handle the stress of anesthesia. Even apparently healthy animals can have serious organ system
problems that cannot be detected without blood screening. Cost is approximately $350.

Dental Extractions: The health of teeth cannot be truly assessed until they are cleaned and evaluated with a
probe and dental radiographs. Often, one or more of the teeth are diseased and may need to be extracted.
Please check here if permission is granted allowing the veterinarian to perform whatever procedures are
necessary and to extract any teeth that the doctor feels need to be removed.

Cerenia: Cerenia is an anti-nausea medication that, when used as a preanesthetic protocol, can help prevent
vomiting during surgery in your pet. This is especially recommended for brachycephalic breeds (e.g, pug, shar
pei, boxer, persian cats). Cost of Cerenia is based on your pet’s weight. Estimated cost range:

  • 2.2 – 16.5 lbs $40
  • 16.6 – 33.0 lbs $62
  • 33.1 – 66.0 lbs $89
  • 66.1 – 110 lbs $140

Post-Operative Laser: Therapeutic lasers emit light waves at specific wavelengths which activate cells to
promote growth, repair, and overall healing. Lasering post-operative surgical sites can benefit your pet by
decreasing inflammation, decreasing pain, and improving wound healing. Cost is approximately $22 per
treatment site.

Microchip: This involves inserting a tiny microchip under your pet’s skin that holds your pet’s identity. If your pet
becomes lost, shelters and veterinary clinics will scan your pet for a microchip to obtain owner information to
assist in reuniting you with your pet. Cost of a microchip is $75.81 which includes the first year of wellness and
recovery benefits from HomeAgain and a lifetime of identification for your pet.

Vaccines: We recommend keeping your pet up to date on their regular vaccines in addition to the legally
required rabies vaccine.

Ear Cleaning: May also require an ear discharge analysis to determine if an ear infection is present as well as to
prescribe appropriate medications. Ear cleaning cost $49.22, EDA cost $51.59

Alternative E-Collar: : Options include inflatable e-collars and soft e-collars. Inflatable e-collars are
recommended for pets with shorter noses. Cost depends on size and style.

Histopathology (if applicable): Pathology send out and report.

Express Anal Glands: $53.69

Courtesy Nail Trim

Additional Services Selection

Dental Hygiene Procedure Discharge Instructions

Our goal is to help your “best friend” live a long, happy and healthy life.

Your pet is recovering from a dental procedure which requires continued nursing care at home to ensure a successful outcome. Your pet’s teeth were probed, ultrasonically scaled, and polished.

Activity Restrictions

It would be best to limit your pet’s activity for the first 24 hours after discharge. Please keep your pet quiet and confined to a small area indoors.

Feed and eliminations

  • it is best to offer food and water in small amounts for the first 24 hours following anesthesia
  • It is normal for your pet to not have a bowel movement for the first 24-36 hours post anesthesia
  • Dogs should be taken outside for short leash walks only for the first 24 hours


In general, your pet should gradually improve each day following the procedure. Your pet should be bright and alert, and eating and drinking after discharge. Please call us if your pet seems very weak or depressed or if your pet has any vomiting or diarrhea. Our goal is for your pet to return to normal and be pain free post surgery.


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What's Next

  • 1

    Call us or schedule an appointment online.

  • 2

    Meet with a doctor for an initial exam.

  • 3

    Put a plan together for your pet.

Young woman with dog watching sunrise high in the mountain